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Evaluation Pattern of KLiC Courses consists of 4 Sections as per below table:

Section No. Section Name Total Marks Minimum Passing Marks
1 Learning Progression 25 10
2 Internal Assessment 25 10
3 Final Online Examination 50 20
Total 100 40
4 SUPWs (Socially Useful and Productive Work in form of Assignments) 5 Assignments 2 Assignments to be Completed & Uploaded

MKCL’s KLiC Certificate will be provided to the learner who will satisfy the below criteria:

  1. Learners who have successfully completed above mentioned 3 Sections i.e. Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3
  2. Additionally, learner should have completed Section 4 (i.e. Section 4 will comprise of SUPWs i.e. Socially Useful and Productive Work in form of Assignments)
    • Learner has to complete and upload minimum 2 out of 5 Assignments